Meet Rebecca Burgio, DC, ND
Chiropractor and Naturopathic Doctor
Dr. Burgio graduated from the University of Bridgeport College of Chiropractic in 2007, and from the College of Naturopathic Medicine in 2010. She has been a life-long resident of Marlborough, MA and practices not far from her home. She has always been interested in natural medicine since she was young. And then she met a special chiropractor in her teens who introduced her to a form of chiropractic that she fell in love with. She then decided to get the chiropractic degree as well. She has always been a caretaker and an empath, and cared for her elderly grandmother full time in her later years. She loves to help and heal people from all walks of life and honors her medical training so that she can provide effective, evidence-based, functional holistic medicine, as well as highly specific and gentle chiropractic adjustments to her patients.
What Is Naturopathic Medicine?
Digestion is the most important process that we need to function optimally in order to effectively absorb nutrients and expel toxic waste. Conventional medicine mostly suppresses symptoms related to digestive problems/diseases with drugs like NSAIDS, whereas naturopathic medicine treats the cause of the symptoms while providing relief, so the body can actually heal itself.
Therapies ND's Use
Naturopathic doctors receive the same core health training as medical doctors, but specialize in the treatment of the cause of the symptoms with natural medicines, including therapeutic doses of nutraceuticals, such as vitamins, minerals, botanical medicines & homeopathic remedies for specific conditions and general health. We also use dietary counselling, health education, physical medicine, hydrotherapy and psychological counselling to deliver the most comprehensive and customized treatment protocol to each patient.
In-Depth Labwork
The "normal range" of traditional routine bloodwork does not reflect ideal health ranges, but rather just the minimum required to not be diseased. If you have health concerns and/or want to get the most out of preventative medicine, bring your bloodwork results in for a naturopathic consultation.
Preventative medicine is the cornerstone to healthy aging. Whether or not you have health issues or concerns, naturopathic medicine can guide you to get the most out of your health and function at any stage of life.
Conventional medicine can typically only offer medications that actually shut down the immune system when it is over-acting. The naturopathic approach is to find out what has been irritating the immune system that made it start attacking itself. This approach works for all auto-immune conditions and is an effective alternative to conventional options.
Staying Healthy
Whether you want to tweak your regimen for optimal results or want a guided health regimen to begin with, naturopathic medicine is the commanding authority on preventative and integrative medicine. A highly customized and holistic protocol that works for you, with your current medications and concerns, awaits you!
Call for a free consultation!
Why Chiropractic?
It can help with
Hip/Knee/Ankle Pain
Whether you may be considering surgery or have a nagging pain that won't go away, if it's effecting your activities of daily living and/or sport performance, come in for a comprehensive assessment and alignment.
Spinal Rehabilitation & Biomechanical Re-Education
Be empowered to keep your body aligned without dependency. With proper spinal rehab exercises and body re-education, you will know how to hold and move your body properly to prevent any future injury.
Back Pain
Whether you've had pain for a long time or just hurt yourself, low-force, highly specific adjustments can effectively restore function, provide relief of symptoms and allow the body to heal properly and efficiently.
Frozen shoulder, tennis/golfer's elbow, carpal tunnel, or any pain in these areas can benefit significantly from low-force, highly specific chiropractic adjustments.
Shoulder/Elbow/Wrist Pain
Hand or Foot Pain
Each bone, joint, muscle and tendon in these detailed & complex areas of the body can be addressed and corrected if needed.
Treatment Options
Do you have long-standing pain that has not been successfully treated? Are you trying to avoid surgery?
You can learn exactly what direction any bone in your body is out of alignment or if it's not, and that is precious information. If you have not tried low-force, highly specific adjustments, you have not exhausted all of your options yet.
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Contact Info
Marlborough, MA 01752